How to rewire your brain?
Jul 13, 2022 4:01 pm
Good afternoon,
In my last email I talked about habits
Did you know there is a specific process called REACH to help “rewire” your brain (aka create new neural pathways in your brain).
Here’s the process:
- Repetition. The more reps of an activity you do, the more likely rewiring will occur.
- Effort. You have to put in some work (and enthusiasm!) to make rewiring happen
- Attention. Being “in the moment” as you’re doing the activity – paying attention to all that’s required – also helps the rewiring process.
- Complex Activities. The more involved/challenging your habit/activity, the more your brain will rewire (i.e., learning to speak a new language requires more rewiring than drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning).
- Health. The healthier your body and brain are, the more ready your brain is for change. So, lay the groundwork for change by getting exercise and sleep, and eating a healthy diet.
Then … start working on those repetitions!
There aren’t any hard and fast rules about how long this process takes but the easier a habit is (like drinking a glass of water when you wake-up), the fewer reps required. And the more challenging a habit is (planning your meals ahead of time), the more reps it might take
Being intentional about getting those reps in puts you closer and closer to making that activity part of your lifestyle.
If you need help with creating some healthy habits, let me help you.
Below you will find my next offerings of free courses (if you are in BANES council).
Self Care Friday (zoom)
Deep relaxation 2.15pm (zoom)
Outdoor Mindfulness Tues 11.30 (outside in Keynsham)
And of course my weekly paid for classes which can be booked at
Monday 5.30pm
Wednesday 9.35am (waiting list)
Thursday 5.30pm
Stretch tone and relax:
Tuesdays 10.30am
Next one last Sunday of September
Make it an amazing day!
07565 976 129