Another lockdown! How will you cope?

Jan 11, 2021 12:37 pm


How are you getting on? Can you believe it’s another Lockdown in the UK! How’s your stress levels? 

Mine went sky high when I heard I was going to have the children at home again whilst trying to work. I felt a little relieved as Max is in nursery so they are still open. He needs lots of engaging activities so it’s the best place for him, i hope! 

I have the following free / reduced courses on offer 

Keeping calm during Covid 12th Jan - 9th Feb 11-12.30 (FREE for those in BANES)

Mindfulness Meditation Mondays 10-11am (£3.50 a session for over 55’s)

Pilates for Beginners Fridays 9.30am (FREE to those in BANES)

We also have space on Pilates:

Mondays 5.30pm and 7pm, Tuesdays 9.45am

And Yoga

Thursday 6pm. 

See you soon!

