Sorry wrong day for Pilates!

Jan 11, 2021 4:43 pm

Sorry! i put the wrong day in for the free Pilates it is indeed Thursdays!

How are you getting on? Can you believe it’s another Lockdown in the UK! How’s your stress levels? 

Mine went sky high when I heard I was going to have the children at home again whilst trying to work. I felt a little relieved as Max is in nursery so they are still open. He needs lots of engaging activities so it’s the best place for him, i hope! 

I have the following free / reduced courses on offer 

Keeping calm during Covid 12th Jan - 9th Feb 11-12.30 (FREE for those in BANES)

Mindfulness Meditation Mondays 10-11am (£3.50 a session for over 55’s)

Pilates for Beginners Thursdays 9.30am (FREE to those in BANES)

We also have space on Pilates:

Mondays 5.30pm and 7pm, Tuesdays 9.45am

And Yoga

Thursday 6pm. 

See you soon!

