Keeping calm

Mar 04, 2021 2:01 pm

So sorry its been a while since I've emailed. I lost my nan to cancer Christmas eve so i've been doing a lot of self care since then.

It was a stressful time losing nan during lockdown as I was only able to see her twice due to nan being in a home. I found that meditation has been so helpful getting through challenging part of my life.

I believe meditation and movement are such an integral part to help keep calm during these unprecedented times.

Last lockdown I recorded 30 days of meditation to help keep calm during a storm!   I found that regular meditation was so helpful in getting me through home schooling, lockdown and feeling like my freedom was taken away.

In this Playlist, you will find a daily meditation to listen to. It’s great to get into a daily habit of meditation so when there are stressful situations it is part of your wellness tool kit to turn to. 

What are you waiting for? Don’t miss out! 

I’m also offering free meditation at 12.45 Monday to Friday, Mondays 10am Meditation and Friday 9.30am meditation. The Monday to Fridays are a great bitesize snack before your lunch.  I will be sharing a recording of a meditation and it will be a chance for us to meditate together. 

It took me many days to prepare the content for these videos, so make sure you don’t miss out! 

Click here to watch the playlist

Once you’re done, be sure to subscribe and / or comment and let me know what you think about it! 

If you interested in learning more check out my Mindfulness meditation which is starting again this Friday at 9.30am for Free for those in BANES.

Also Mondays 10am Mindfulness for over 55's through St Johns £3.50



Wishing you all the best.

