11/6/2023 - Murderbugs Author QnA on Youtube and Upcoming Short Story Intensive with MyStoryDoctorWe’ve made it to November, which means the end of the year is in sight, but miles to go before I kick back and sip the cocoa… The list of teaching tasks...
10/27/2023 - Murder on the Barge Inn Release and Giveaway Drawing, and other New Book NewsHappy Halloweekend!As the weather gets cooler and the spooky stories get both scarier and campier, I am excited to add Murder on the Barge Inn to the list of tw...
10/13/2023 - Final Weekend of the Kickstarter, “Inside CKP” Interview Tonight, and Murderbugs PicturesToday is Friday the 13th, which sounds like a perfect day to indulge in a little bit of the spooky.Here, have an assassin bug:This is the graphite r...
9/15/2023 - Kickstarter Weekend, Ebook Bundles, and “The Expanding Universe”We are 24 hours away from launch on the MURDERBUGS and VAMPIRE SURVIVAL GUIDE Kickstarter. Which means I am humming “One Day More” from Les Miserables—which is exactly what y...
9/23/2023 - “Murderbugs” Cover Reveal, Free Preview Story, and Upcoming WorkshopsDrumroll, please…Good morning!Murderbugs, volume 2 of the Unhelpful Encyclopedia series, is creeping up on the Kickstarter launch--and looking great. To get the ball rol...

In my conversation with author Jr Strayve Jr. (Jerry) last week on my Youtube channel, we covered a variety of topics including the task...