Play Video on YoutubePlay this Bridge HandHi ,Often the way to play a suit depends upon our needs in the suit. Do we need one trick? Do we need 2 tricks? Do we need to avoid a loser?What if you aren’t sure? Sometimes you should test another suit firs...
Play the videoHi, !Can Responder distinguish between a 4- and 5-card holding in their Major? Join Marla and Antara as Marla shows us how it's possible if the Opponents interfere... by using the Negative Double!Your partner in learning,BajirLearn the...
Hi ,Last call to keep learning with Bridget with a free 2-week trial! Thursday, Bridget will teach us about breaking communication between the defenders. You know your oppon...
Hi ,Thank you again to everyone who could join us for this week's free lesson, Communication Between Your Hand & Dummy with Bridget Rampton.My apologies! There was an issue with the link below to start your free 2-week trial to keep learning with...
Hi ,Thank you to everyone who could join us for today's lesson, Communication Between Your Hand & Dummy with Bridget Rampton.Here you can watch the recording:Watch the LessonDownload the Lesson Slides here:
Hi ,Please come join us for today's bridge lesson with Bridget Rampton! Thursday, 18 April 2024 at 9:30am UK time / 8:30pm NZ time.As we have many planning on attending this lesson, please plan on entering ~15 minutes early. No need to download...
Hi ,We look forward to having you join us for your free bridget lesson with Bridget Rampton! Thursday, 18 April 2024 at 9:30am UK time / 8:30pm NZ time.Unable to attend live? Please don't worry - a recording will be shared with everyone afterwar...
Watch on YoutubeHi ,Bridget Rampton has a hand for us from her upcoming lessons on communication between the hands. Playing in 3NT, we get a ♥J lead from West. How will you plan your play? Be careful! The seas between our declarer and dummy's hands l...
Hi ,You and your bridge friends are invited to join us for a free lesson next week! Please share an invite to register for this free online lesson here.Register for FreeJoin live and/or via recorded replay. Presented Thursday, 18 April 2024 at ...
Play the videoHi, !In the last of our four videos on Jacoby Transfers, Stayman, & our Next Steps, Marla Lawson takes us through a series of hands to make sure we understand not only how to ask for a 4-card major, but what to bid next.We hope thes...