Play the videoHi, ,We are very happy to welcome guest teacher, Suzanne Anisfeld for this week's bridge video!This given hand shows the power of the FSF (fourth suit forcing) auction between North and South. Once North opens the bidding with the lovel...
Play the videoHi, ,We are defending against 3NT when, in trick two, the declarer plays the eight of hearts. We note the five queens in dummy's hand and must assess whether to win the trick or duck it. Do we think partner holds the king of hearts?Thro...
Play the videoHi, ,Caroline and Bridget are back... will Caroline be able to avoid an 'explosive' mistake this time?We all learn "8 ever 9 never" to help us decide whether to finesse the queen or not. With 8 cards missing the queen it's better odds t...
Play the videoHi, ,When the Opponents open a weak 2 they can really mess your partnership up.Their weak 2 bid gets in the way of your side bidding your contract and it's easy to make mistakes in your communication.If you partner overcalls their weak...
Play the videoHi, ,Something must be in the air... we have another potential 7NT hand for you all! This is another real hand, this one played recently at the club by our wonderful teacher, Curt Soloff.While the hand is extraordinary, it gives us the...
Hi ,Do you have friends or relatives who still haven't learned bridge? Let's get more people to the bridge table!We'd be so grateful if you shared this email with anyone who might enjoy learning bridge:Register for FreeIntroduction to Bridge with Jac...
Play the videoHi, ,When we're playing in No Trump, and we have have multiple suits we might develop, how do we decide between them?In this 3NT hand, we have to choose between developing our spades, our hearts, or our diamonds, all while keeping in mi...
Play the videoHi, ,You are playing in the finals of a regional top bracket knockout against Brad Moss and Joe Grue, one of the top ranked partnerships in the world. You find yourself in a 4S game contract... it is a totally normal contract and you e...
Hi ,Wow, Jack and I just saw that together we have all raised over £3,000 for Cancer Research UK - so far! If you haven't been able to make a contribution yet, you can still do so. Well done all!!!Donate to Cancer Research UKOver the last 40 years, c...
Play the videoHi, ,When should we just jump to slam? When should we keep bidding to consider a grand slam?Join us for Marla Lawson's first 7NT hand ever!Have you ever bid and made a 7NT hand? Let us know the story in the comments: