Should partner have ruffed a trick he knew would still lose? - with Curt Soloff

Jul 30, 2024 2:30 pm


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Hi, ,

Curt and Antara are back with a hand Curt played at the local club in KC. One of the main points of the hand is to illustrate the value of the mixed raise. Curt describes his through process:

"My opponents sitting NS did not make a mixed raise in clubs (either because they did not have one available by agreement or they neglected to use it). Had responder shown a mixed raise in clubs (e.g. with a jump to 3C) it likely would have kept my partner out of the auction and we would not have found our heart fit; instead, our side was able to make a mixed raise and the opponents guessed to play in a 4-3 spade fit as a result, which did not go well.

The other main point is a defensive takeaway: Partner ruffed a card I had led that was holding the trick because he knew declarer was also out of that suit, and by ruffing with his Q (which would have fallen under the A), he made declarer ruff with the A and promoted and additional trump trick in my hand - a very thoughtful play!"

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