Play the videoHi, ,Here's our hand: ♠Q63 ♥QT94 ♦A987 ♣K6. Our left-hand opponent opens 1♦, partner overcalls 1♠, and it comes around to us. What do you bid?A) 1NT B) 2♠ C) 3♠ D) Something else? Leave your answer...Watch the video for a sneak peak at...
Play the videoHi, ,Okay, we have a lot of news to share! New lessons with Curt, an open house for members, a visit in Kyoto, and my own adventures in trick-taking... Let's dive in!Confident Cuebids with CurtFour new lessons June 3rd, 10th, 17th, and...
Play the videoHi, !Look at your hand above. We overcall 2♣ and then they bid to 3♦. Should we bid our clubs again? Or bid our hearts? Or.... pass? What would you do?Leave your answer here and then watch the video with Cur...
Hi ,Last call to keep learning with Jack with a free 2-week trial! the next few weeks, Jack will teach us about the Unassuming Cue Bid, Notrump rebids, Slam Bidding, and Common S...
Hi ,Thank you to everyone who could join us for today's lesson, Further Use of the Double with Jack Stocken.Here you can watch the recording:Watch the LessonClick here to download the lesson worksheet and play through the featured hands.♠♥♦♣For a li...
Hi ,Please come join us for today's bridge lesson with Jack Stocken! Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 11am UK time.As we have many planning on attending this lesson, please plan on entering ~15 minutes early. No need to download anything - just come jo...
Hi ,We look forward to having you join us Wednesday for your bridge lesson with Jack Stocken! Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 11am UK time.It's not too late for friends to register for this free lesson. If you have any who might be interested, they ca...
Hi, !We're so happy to see so many folks registering for next week's free bridge lesson with Jack Stocken, 'Further Use of the Double.' Please invite your bridge friends to register here. More info below... But first! Enjoy another magic trick from J...
Hi ,We'd like to invite you to join us for a special free lesson, 'Further Use of the Double' with Jack Stocken. We've been looking forward to this chance to welcome new and old bridge friends to take a free lesson with Jack. We'd love to 'see' you t...
Play the videoHi, !Why is it that once we start playing random hands on our own, everything feels more complicated than how it seemed in the bridge lessons? Real-life hands just feel messier! Join us as we play two random hands from a BBO weekly chal...