Things look bleak... do we even have a chance? - with Curt Soloff and Antara Keelor
Sep 17, 2024 2:01 pm
Hi, ,
You are playing in the finals of a regional top bracket knockout against Brad Moss and Joe Grue, one of the top ranked partnerships in the world. You find yourself in a 4S game contract... it is a totally normal contract and you expect that the other table will be in the same contract. Unfortunately, it looks like there are four tricks to lose.
Despite the bleak situation, you do have a chance. You will need to get creative and you will also need a little help from the opponents. The auction features a bid by the opponents that paints a very clear picture of the distribution and you will need to use that to your advantage. The takeaway on this hand is, ultimately, that you should not give up too easily even when making your contract seems unlikely.
Thank you Curt and Antara for sharing this interesting hand with us!
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