Play the videoHi, bridge friends ~Whether we are simply hoping to make our contract or to collect valuable overtricks, we always want to play each hand to the maximum (and, when possible, not put a guaranteed contract in jeopardy by trying for extra...
Play the videoHi, bridge friends ~Tell me if you've been here: we bid the hand as best we can and end up in a reasonable contract; once we see the lead and dummy's hand and come up with our plan, but then find out the we have to deal with a really un...
Watch the videoHi ,After we pass, partner opens 1♥. It comes back to us. With ♠A76 ♥J82 ♦Q53 ♣KJ86, how would you respond?Leave a comment below to let us know your bid and your reasoning.Adam teaches us about the Drury bid in bridge - here, an artifi...
Play the videoHi, bridge friends ~We have a hand with a nice 5-5 shape but not quite strong enough to open. West pre-empts with 3D and partner bids a takeout double. What do we do?Leave a comment on the Youtube video:
Watch the videoHi ,We've all been there: we think we've bid and played the hand fine but then when we compare our results, we see the top boards have contracts different from ours.In this competitive auction, sent in to us from Gloria at the Villages...
Hi ,We'd love to invite you to register for two upcoming featured lessons taught by Adam Parrish.Watch the videoStarting next week: Exceptions to the RulesWe’ve all learned lots of bridge “rules”: third-hand high, fourth from your longest and stronge...
Play the videoHi, bridge friends ~When declaring a hand, it is easy to focus on bids that our opponents make during the auction and plays that they make while defending (leads and signals); however, it equally important to consider bids and plays tha...
Hi ,Look at the hand below: should we play it safe and take the ♣K sure winner and make our contract? Or should we try a finessing the ♣J for an extra trick (but at the risk of going down)?Watch the videoAdam Parrish shares a hand that illustrates a...
Hi ,Besides our providing our ongoing classes, we aim to keep making free resources for bridge learners of all levels. One key priority: to help new players discover and learn how to play bridge. Your support is what makes this work possible. We'll k...
Hi ,What do we do when we plan our play when we realize we're going down (besides panic)? Watch the videoIn this bridge hand played on BBO, about half of us when down 2 and half only one. How do we minimize our losses when we are stuck with a bad tru...