Hi ,We are in 4♥ with only seven trumps, missing the ♥K, and our best trumps in the short hand. How should should we plan our play?Watch the videoThis hand was sent in from one of Adam's students. Thank you, Bob!Leave a comment on the Youtube page he...
Hi, bridge friends ~Play the videoAfter a recent tournament, I saw that I had seemed to make a similar mistake twice: with a good hand, I bid to game when most others didn't. Is this a mistake I make frequently and just didn't notice before?How often...
Hello, bridge friends ~Play the videoSo often when we take lessons, we learn with hands in which things work out. If we're learning that with nine cards we should always finesse the queen, the lesson hand will almost assuredly show that happening. Bu...
Hi ,There is still time to register! Do you ever feel nervous about speaking up with a question about an opponent's bid? Or knowing what to say or how to handle a disagreement at the table? This week we start India's new series that are tailored to h...
Hi ,4♠, 5♣, pass, or even double... What will you choose?Watch the videoPlaying a robot tournament on BBO this week, I was stumped by both how to bid this hand and also whether the hand's results demonstrated what the correct auction or not. As a lea...
Hi ,Alert or announce? Is that different when playing online? When can I ask the opponents questions about their agreements and if so, what? How can I protect myself from being on the wrong side of a ruling? And what on earth is the stop card for?We'...
Hi ,What does this double after a freely bid 3NT bid mean? Is it a penalty double? Or is it communicating something else?Watch the videoA little known fact is that a double of a freely bid 3NT contract (ie 1NT - 3NT) asks partner to lead a heart. A d...
Hi ,I'd love to invite you to join a hybrid lesson/play session India is teaching Monday - and you won't know the theme is of the hands until after you play them! Can you figure out what it is while playing?Description:A play session… with a twist! Y...
Hi ,Because of traveling a fair bit recently, I haven't been playing much and I can tell how out of shape my brain is. I find myself making such silly mistakes, I've started to feel bad even for my robot partners. Regularity really is key, isn't it?G...
Hello, bridge friends ~Play the videoA quick question for you... West opens 1NT showing 12-14 HCP. The opening lead comes out and dummy comes down. How do you figure out how many HCP East has?As declarer or a defender, we have a lot to think about wh...