We are at the tail end of an incredible High Holiday season. The last two days of Sukkot, Shmini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah remain. What an incredible 3 weeks it has been. This community is incredible. Hundreds of participants in the holiday events....
Hi! If this is your first email, or if you never got officially welcomed in, Hello! this is your official welcome. This is a weekly email (Friday morning-ish) that brings you the upcoming events, some of my thoughts, and a small collection of reads a...
Yom KippurDriskill Hotel - Citadel Room 604 Brazos St, Austin, TX 78701TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4TH 6:55 pm - Fast Begins - Women's Candle Lighting Shmooze7:30 pm – Rabbi’s Sermon and Kol Nidrei ServiceWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5TH 10:00 am - Morning Serv...
||Yom Kippur is this Tuesday NightRSVP at yjpaustin.org/high-holidays-5783-2022Wishing you an uplifting first Shabbat of the year!Rabbi Mendy & MussyOf interest:The hottest musical act on TikTok is a group of Jewish tweens singing Orthodox pop so...
Hi,I am just about ready to put in our order for the Lulav and Esrog sets this year. Do you want one so that you can make the blessing on it each day of the holiday?It will be $69 per set. Each set includes 1 Lulav (from Egypt), 1 Esrog (from Italy),...
PSA: Services at South Congress HotelRosh Hashana Day Services are moved to the South Congress Hotel1603 S Congress AveAustin, TX 78704Sunday evening services and dinner are still at the YJP Tent, services on both days will be at the South Congress H...
Think:The WSJ recently wrote about the return of the dreaded end-of-year performance review. Rosh Hashanah, the mystics tell us, is the original performance review, a reevaluation of the project of creation. On Rosh Hashanah eve, the univer...
Hi!Are you a single young adult between the ages of 35-45?We recognize that sometimes it's great to spend time with the community as a whole and sometimes it's great to meet people closer to your age and place in life.Introducing: One Dor OverClick H...
High Holidays ROSH HASHANA SERVICES - RSVP HEREChabad YJP Tent Sunday-Tuesday, Sept 25-27SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25Light Holiday Candles 7:06 pm 7:15 pm - Rosh Hashanah Services 25 min Rosh Hashana New Year's Dinner - RSVP HERESund...
If Not HigherThe following is an English rendition of Y. L. Peretz’s Oyb nisht nokh hekher! - If Not Higher. Peretz, one of the leading Yiddishts, was not a religious Jew, yet despite the general satirical nature of his writings, he retained a g...