Seize The Day

Oct 13, 2023 6:11 pm

Subject: Seize the day


As of today, there are 18 days until Halloween, 41 days until Thanksgiving, and a mere 80 days until New Year's Day 2024.


That last one got me thinking – it means that 80% of 2023 has already slipped through our fingers. Can you believe it?


So, why am I sharing this? Because I don't want you to wake up on January 1st and wonder, "Where did all that time go?" And I most certainly don't want you to look back on 2023 and realize it was a year of missed opportunities when it comes to your health and well-being.


Here's the silver lining: There's still time. And the time to act is now.


No matter what your goals are, it's essential not to think too far into the future. Instead, break it down into manageable chunks that align with the seasons or your lifestyle.


For instance:


-- In the next 2 weeks, you could commit to working out just 2 days a week and making one small tweak to your diet. By the time Halloween arrives, you'll already feel leaner and healthier.


-- In the following 3 weeks, you could step up your game by adding a third day of exercise, whether it's at the gym or in the comfort of your own home. Pair that with a commitment to consistently prepare healthy meals and snacks once a week, and voilΓ , you'll be ready to embrace Thanksgiving without the holiday weight hangover.


-- As New Year's approaches, you won't need to resolve to shed those excess pounds or deal with the misery of carrying them around. You won't have to be among the countless individuals who make "New Year's Resolutions" only to throw in the towel within a few weeks. Instead, you can revel in the fact that you've maximized the last 20% of 2023, prioritized self-care, and made significant strides toward the body and health you desire.


At this juncture, you have two choices:


1. Continue along the same path, allowing the last 80 days of 2023 to whiz by while still wrestling with unwanted weight and pain that hinders your enjoyment of life's activities.




2. Make a choice to take a small, imperfect action over the next two weeks. This choice can lead you to regain your confidence, build momentum, and move closer to the body and pain-free lifestyle you wholeheartedly deserve.


So, what's your decision?


P.S. Whenever you are ready here are 3 ways we can help you with your health fitness and weight loss goals

  1. Join our 8-week Online fitness Challenge where you can train anywhere and anytime that is convenient for you. This challenge empowers "you" the busy executive mom lose 8 to 16 pounds or more and reclaim your strength and confidence.

🎁 Bonus: Enroll now and get our "Nutrition Guide for the Busy Mom-Executive" FREE!

2. Join our Small Group Executive Mom Fitness Circle where you will receive tailored group workouts for the Ambitious Mom-on-the-Go

πŸ’ΌπŸ‘Ÿ Blending boardroom vigor with fitness finesse, right at your local gym

πŸ‘­ Connect & Thrive: Join a sisterhood of executive moms on the same journey. 🎁 Exclusive Offer: The first session is complimentary for early-bird registrants.

3. Join our Elite Executive Mom Fitness Coaching where you will receive Personalized Training for the Mom Who Conquers the Boardroom and BeyondπŸ’ͺπŸ‘œ Crafting individualized fitness blueprints to complement your executive lifestyle🎁 Special Offer: Sign up this month and receive a complimentary nutrition consultation.
