Plan for a guilt-free holiday season

Oct 25, 2023 1:53 pm

Subject: Plan for a guilt-free holiday season


Halloween is just around the corner, and I have to admit, it's not my favorite holiday.


I'm not here to pass judgment on the candy and sweets – it just seems like an unnecessary indulgence. As the kids in the neighborhood have grown up, I've noticed that they often use it as an excuse to go overboard.


And it's got me thinking about the upcoming holiday season – where us adults sometimes fall into similar indulgent patterns.


Thanksgiving. Christmas. Holiday parties aplenty. New Year's.


Now, there's nothing wrong with enjoying traditional family recipes and festive treats during the holidays. But if we don't want to start the New Year with an extra 10 or 15 pounds to shed, we need to find some balance.


With just 29 days left until Thanksgiving, I'd like to help you set yourself up for success.


That's more than enough time to make a commitment to yourself, boost your activity level, and make some minor adjustments to your diet. You can ensure you navigate the holiday season without feeling guilty about all the eating, drinking, and celebrating.


Imagine if you could "pre-lose" the holiday weight so that you can genuinely enjoy the season without regrets. You can. It just requires a fresh decision today.


It could be as straightforward as making a pact with yourself to complete at least 2 workouts a week between now and Thanksgiving and replacing some starchy carbs and treats with fruits and vegetables.


Twenty-nine days may not seem like a long time, but failing to take action now could lead to a much longer journey to undo the damage come New Year's.


Every year, come the first week of January, there's a line of people waiting to sign up for gym memberships with New Year's Resolutions that often fizzle out within a couple of weeks.


Why not start now so you don't have to restart later? Why not make a few manageable changes today to avoid the need for drastic ones after New Year's?


We're entering the season where even the most dedicated of us can slip up, and that's perfectly okay – as long as we have a plan in place, shed a few pounds in advance when it's easier to resist temptation and position ourselves for success.


Don't let Halloween kick off a cycle that leads into Thanksgiving and the entire holiday season without a plan.


Are you ready to save yourself a lot of trouble and make a fresh commitment today?

P.S. Whenever you are ready here are 3 ways we can help you with your health fitness and weight loss goals


  1. Join our 8-week Online fitness Challenge where you can train anywhere and anytime that is convenient for you. This challenge empowers "you" the busy executive mom lose 8 to 16 pounds or more and reclaim your strength and confidence.

🎁 Bonus: Enroll now and get our "Nutrition Guide for the Busy Mom-Executive" FREE!


2. Join our Small Group Executive Mom Fitness Circle where you will receive tailored group workouts for the Ambitious Mom-on-the-Go

πŸ’ΌπŸ‘Ÿ Blending boardroom vigor with fitness finesse, right at your local gym

πŸ‘­ Connect & Thrive: Join a sisterhood of executive moms on the same journey. 🎁 Exclusive Offer: The first session is complimentary for early-bird registrants.


3. Join our Elite Executive Mom Fitness Coaching where you will receive Personalized Training for the Mom Who Conquers the Boardroom and BeyondπŸ’ͺπŸ‘œ Crafting individualized fitness blueprints to complement your executive lifestyle🎁 Special Offer: Sign up this month and receive a complimentary nutrition consultation.

