Investing in you: What's your body worth

Oct 13, 2023 3:22 pm

Subject: Investing in you: What's your body worth?


It's widely known that the world's most successful and highly paid athletes invest hundreds of thousands of dollars each year in their bodies. Take LeBron James, for instance – he pours $1.5 million annually into his body's well-being. And recently, Russell Wilson of the Denver Broncos shared that he spends over $1 million a year taking care of himself.


Of course, top-tier athletes require access to the best fitness and recovery equipment, but a significant portion of their investment goes toward real human support – personal trainers, chiropractors, massage therapists, and the like.


The giants of fitness like New York Sports Club, LA Fitness, and Equinox have proven for years that even the most high-end exercise equipment is essentially worthless if you lack the guidance to use it effectively, design a tailored program to meet your goals, and remain accountable for the work that needs to be put in.


Now, I'm not suggesting that you should shell out $1 million a year on your body, even if you had that level of disposable income. But here's my point: Among all the things we could be spending our money on, our body and health rank among the most worthwhile investments with a remarkably high return.


I'll admit, I'm guilty too. If I added up all the cups of Starbucks and lunches from Panera that I've purchased in a year, I could easily afford a team of fitness professionals and health practitioners to take care of me. Chances are, I'd be far happier and healthier for it.


So when someone tells me they "can't afford" to hire a trainer, coach, or healthcare practitioner, I have my reservations. Often, it's not about not having the money; it's about how we've chosen to allocate it. More often than not, we spend it on everything but ourselves.


For decades, financial advisors and coaches have been teaching the importance of saving and regularly contributing to retirement accounts, ensuring a comfortable life as we age. There's no denying its significance.


Yet, I also hope that one day, we'll reach a point where investing in our bodies and health is regarded with just as much importance.


So, returning to the question in the subject line: "How much is your body worth?"


You don't need a million dollars a year to be strong, healthy, prevent disease, and enhance longevity – unless you're LeBron James. But it probably requires more than what most of us are currently spending.


And one thing's for sure – it's worth far more in the long run than those daily Starbucks or Panera indulgences.

 P.S. Whenever you are ready here are 3 ways we can help you with your health fitness and weight loss goals


  1. Join our 8-week Online fitness Challenge where you can train anywhere and anytime that is convenient for you. This challenge empowers "you" the busy executive mom lose 8 to 16 pounds or more and reclaim your strength and confidence.

🎁 Bonus: Enroll now and get our "Nutrition Guide for the Busy Mom-Executive" FREE!


2. Join our Small Group Executive Mom Fitness Circle where you will receive tailored group workouts for the Ambitious Mom-on-the-Go

πŸ’ΌπŸ‘Ÿ Blending boardroom vigor with fitness finesse, right at your local gym

πŸ‘­ Connect & Thrive: Join a sisterhood of executive moms on the same journey. 🎁 Exclusive Offer: The first session is complimentary for early-bird registrants.


3. Join our Elite Executive Mom Fitness Coaching where you will receive Personalized Training for the Mom Who Conquers the Boardroom and BeyondπŸ’ͺπŸ‘œ Crafting individualized fitness blueprints to complement your executive lifestyle🎁 Special Offer: Sign up this month and receive a complimentary nutrition consultation.
