Find YOUR greatest self

Hello love!One of the things that I have reaaaally come to understand is that is a large portion of chronic disease, chronic inflammation, and chronic pain has an energetic root that is heightened and made worse through diet, repressed emotions, avoi...

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Jun 18, 2024
WOOOW! What an activation!

This transmission was SO POWERFUL! The shift through it was palpable! I am SO GRATEFUL for you energetic contribution to this space whether you were able to join us live or are going to catch the replay!!! I cannot wait to hear your experience and wh...

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Jun 01, 2024

I cannot even begin to express how grateful I am to see FIFTY incredible humans have joined this activation!Tomorrow we are going to come together and reconnect to the wells of the earth and the overflow of the universe! I can feel the energy of tomo...

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Jun 01, 2024
Last week to save $444!!

Hiiii !!I cannot believe June 1st is just a few days away!! This year is FLYING by! I was just sitting here thinking about the rapid transformation that has occurred for me at in person events. There is something about the portal of transformation t...

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May 29, 2024
You are invited!!

Hi beauty!!I have been wanting to host a free masterclass and or activation but have been waiting for the call… and it came in ringinggggg. I am hosting a live zoom call next Saturday June 1st with the RECONNECTION ACTIVATION! It’s going to...

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May 23, 2024
Reflections from this past weekend

I integrated something this past weekend when I was camping with my little fam, and I wanted to share in hopes that it would serve your growth and embodiment of your most aligned self.I fully integrated the bits around fully knowing that I can empath...

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May 21, 2024
Dreaming about September.. already!

There is something about going through a portal of rapid transformation that just lights my soul on fireeee! Have you experienced that before? We see it ALL THE TIME at our retreats. We will have someone walk in as one version of themselves, and walk...

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May 20, 2024
I'm back!!!

Hi beauty.It has been a minute.. or honestly almost a year. I have been over here experiencing the biggest initiation of my freaking life.It swallowed me whole, and it truly felt like there would be no coming back from it..Have you ever felt lik...

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May 03, 2024