Hi There ,Seriously, these are three things that I LOVE! How about you?I know this is a tough time for so many. There's a lot of external elements spreading fear, hate, and uncertainty. I get it. But...There's also never been a more important time to...
Hi ,Have you ever been the type of person who's lived their life 'by the book'?Stay inside the lines, wait your turn, don't take more than your share, and know your place. These and more are messages we hear from a very young age on.There's a reason...
Hello ,Well, it's been a minute hasn't it?Honestly, I can't believe how much time flies when you're not well but here we are. After a rather nasty flare up of my Asthma followed by traveling and some MASSIVE revelations, I'm so glad to finally be get...
Hello ,How was your weekend? Can you believe we're already into February?!It was amazing to celebrate the turning of the wheel of the year at the Imbolc festival. Even with the surprise of the snow which made things exciting.I love getting to have so...
Hello ,Imbolc is this Saturday!Are you excited?! Feeling ready to celebrate? Or are you not even sure what I'm talking about?On the Wheel of the Year, this marks the beginning of the light's return.There's no denying, this has been a different kind o...
Hello ,Ok, so we're in the last week of January. Let's be straight with each other, are you where you wanted to be by this point?If not, you're not alone. It's so easy to start the new calendar year off with big bold plans, lofty resolutions, and pro...
Hi there ,This week I've noticed a very clear theme. In the conversations I've been having. In the guidance I've been receiving. Even in the signs that keep popping up around me.After so many years on this path, I've learned to pay attention to thing...
Hey there ,Fresh starts are an attractive prospect, and yet so many of us need excuses to seize one. A new year, a new week, a brand new day are all chances to start over again.Yet for up to 91% of people, those new beginnings end up in the exact sam...
Hi ,I want to invite you to join me for this special live event called, Visionary Mama! This 5-Day visualization challenge for busy moms starts on Monday January 27th and itβs 100% free! We're going to dive deeply into strategies to help y...
Hi hi ,We're heavily into the energy of that full Wolf Moon right now. How's it hitting for you?I've been continuing to heal from the bug that hit our household (slower than I'd like) but I've certainly been feeling the enhanced connections. From the...