Why You Need To Attend Franchise Conventions

May 15, 2024 2:38 pm

Hi there,

If you become the owner of a franchise, you'll be invited to attend yearly franchise conventions. And they are must-attend events.

Not because your franchisor requires it (although some of them do).

But because you’ll be able to meet and network with franchisees from all over the country. And in most cases, they’ll share what’s working and not working in their businesses. You’ll participate in workshops. Additionally, there are usually a few fun things planned that can provide great experiences and memories.

But most importantly, you need to remember that owning a franchise means not being alone.

And the best way to make sure you're not alone?

Make friends with other franchisees.

Because doing that ensures any extra-help or ideas you need are literally only one or two phone calls away.


This week's VIP Franchise Newsletter is brought to you by a food franchise company that just re-launched their fast-casual concept.

It's called Nothing But Noodles, and it's quite different than other food franchise concepts. Look!

Thanks for opening your email today.

The Franchise King®

Joel Libava


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