Top Food & Drink Trends to Watch in 2024

Jun 12, 2024 3:07 pm

Hi there,

I wanted to take a look at some of the trends shaping the food and beverage industry, and I came upon an interesting report. Here's one of the hottest trends that bears watching:

Local Goes Global

"Our fifth top food trend is based on local ingredients, as well as authentic and adventurous foreign dishes spreading across the globe. Products advertising ingredients sourced locally, as well as dishes deemed foreign and authentic are growing in popularity."


"Two in three consumers globally say that they are open to trying new global cuisines. African cuisine products have seen a rise of 13% in the past five years, and East Asian cuisine products have risen 5%." Read the entire trends article

What do you think?

Have you more open to trying food and beverages from around the world?


If you've ever been to England, you know how popular tea and dessert is.

With that in mind, you need to check out a new food and beverage franchise that just launched. The name? Shelly's Tea Rooms - Check it out...


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The Franchise KingĀ®

Joel Libava


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