Quick Tip: Ask Franchise Sales Reps This Question

Sep 14, 2022 6:09 pm

Hi There!

Real quick, I just shared something on LinkedIn that anyone looking to buy a franchise will find valuable. Here it is.

Buying A Franchise?

What questions should you be asking?

When you're on the phone with your franchise sales rep at franchise headquarters, ask her this: "What is the # thing I need to do to be a successful franchisee?"

Fact: Hardly anyone asks this important question.

That said, your sales rep may find it challenging to give you anything but a cookie-cutter answer. Like:

"All you need to do is follow the system, and you should be successful."

Now maybe you'll get lucky and hear something deeper. I hope so.

As a matter of fact, your rep may know exactly what it takes to success and will gladly tell you what it is. If so, great. If not, ask the franchisees.

Because they know.

I hope that helps.

Heck, I suggest asking that question when you request information on any franchise you're investigating. Including any of these franchises.

The Franchise King®

Joel Libava

