Guess Who's Back?

Hello! It's been a good long while, hasn't it? Like many of you can understand, I'm sure, life got in the way of itself over here. It's been a while since I've sent a newsletter, published a new title, came up for air... But here I am again and I hop...

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Jun 24, 2024
Merry Chirstmas (almost!)

Hello again!Whew, what a year 2022 was! Some of you may have forgotten all about me, since this newsletter hasn't gone out for almost a year. My apologies. The trials of 2021 followed me well into 2022, including a major concussion, which led to pos...

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Dec 24, 2022
Long time, no see!! (for most of you)

Hello again! Whew, what a year 2021 was! Like many of you I had my (un?)fair share of trials and tribulations throughout the year. My muse went silent and I didn't write many new words for most of the year - including in this newsletter. Things are s...

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Jan 31, 2022

Hello there! Welcome to my tribe.You're receiving this email because you entered a giveaway for YA fantasy books. (This one was actually ran back in October, so I totally get it if you've forgotten, and the unsubscribe button can be found at the bott...

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Jan 28, 2022
Short and Sweet!

Hello my friends! I know it's been a little quiet around here. January flew past in a rush and here we find ourselves pretty much half way through the month of February. In fact, "Happy Valentine's Day Eve!" How are things? More importantly, how are...

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Feb 14, 2021