Guess Who's Back?

Jun 24, 2024 6:04 pm


Hello! It's been a good long while, hasn't it? Like many of you can understand, I'm sure, life got in the way of itself over here.

It's been a while since I've sent a newsletter, published a new title, came up for air... But here I am again and I hope most of you still want to be here too. I'm aiming to get back to sending a monthly note, but at least every six to eight weeks so you guys know what's going on.

This is where we're at for the moment...

What I'm working on now:

A ten book fantasy series about a long-sealed magical library, complete with a heroine you will love, plus dragons and ghosts and shifters - oh my! It's called The Archives of Forgotten Magic and you guys are the first to get that little tidbit of information.

Where I'll be next:

My next upcoming signing is here in the Pacific Northwest at Readers & Writers Seattle on the 20th of July.


What else is new?

~ My website now has a shopping page! In addition to ordering signed copies of any of my available titles you can also find bookish gifts! It's a work in progress which means more items are being added regularly, so check back often. (Keep an eye out in the next newsletter for a coupon code available only to subscribers!)

~ I've gotten some new pets... for the first one, let me introduce you to Noodle! (I know, I know, some people aren't a fan of snakes or reptiles, but I love him.) He's a three(ish) year old ball python.


That's it for now. I'm off to do more authorly things! I've missed you all and I'm glad to be back. As always, feel free to email me here or find me on Facebook. Until next time...

