Recent Office HoursA few weeks ago I hosted statistics office hours where I fielded questions covering everything from narratively generative modeling, mixture modeling, splines, survival modeling, and more. The recording can be viewed anytime a...
Upcoming Office HoursWhat's more romantic than really good statistical methodology? I'll be hosting open office hours on Tuesday, February 11th starting at 1:30 PM EDT with a VOD available immediately afterwards,
Recent WritingPairwise Comparison ModelingComparison may be a thief of joy, but it is an undoubtably interesting statistical modeling problem. In my latent chapter I go deep into the general problem of modeling comparisons between pairs of abstr...
Recent WritingTranslating Causal NotationI’m often frustrated by the myriad of hidden assumptions in so many “causal inference” methods, for example all of the structural assumptions that have to be made in order to turn a so-called causal graph into...
Upcoming CourseOn Wednesday November 6 I will be offering my comprehensive hierarchal modeling course at a steep discount in an effort to raise funds for World Central Kitchen and Doctors Without Borders. All you have to do to attend is make a d...
Please excuse the off-schedule email. I just wanted to announce an time-sensitive course offering.Next month on Wednesday November 6 I will be offering my comprehensive hierarchal modeling course -- which includes a lecture and code demonstrations -...
Consulting and TrainingIf you are interested in consulting or training engagements or even commissioning me to create a presentation on a topic of interest then don’t hesitate to reach out to me at WritingDo you...
Consulting and TrainingIf you are interested in consulting or training engagements or even commissioning me to create a presentation on a topic of interest then don’t hesitate to reach out to me at WritingAre you...
Consulting and TrainingIf you are interested in consulting or training engagements or even commissioning me to create a presentation on a topic of interest then don’t hesitate to reach out to me at PresentationIn...
Consulting and TrainingIf you are interested in consulting or training engagements then don’t hesitate to reach out to me at CoursesStill time to sign up for any of the last three modules of my remote courses t...