Limited Time Offer: 70% Discount

Hey ,I know that for most hosting is a grudge purchase. A necessary evil that then becomes a huge issue when you want to add another website or email address. What if you didn't have to think about hosting at all?What if you knew that whether you gre...

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Jan 26, 2024
Real Black Friday Deal where you truly benefit

Hey ,I don't believe that we do Black Friday correctly in Africa. It is so widely adopted yet most are providing 10% or 25% deals. I also don't think everyone should do a Black Friday promo. In fact, I am willing to say that most people shouldn't eve...

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Nov 24, 2023
Get 1 Year of Website Hosting (practically) for FREE

Hey ,Good hosting is the foundation to getting ranked on Google, the success of your ads, the design and functionality of your website, not to mention the overall experience of your users. After working with so many brands, making sure we have t...

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Nov 24, 2023
🎉 Get Ready for Our Exclusive Black Friday Deal!

Dear ,I hope this email finds you well and filled with anticipation for the upcoming holiday season! As a token of our gratitude for your continued support, we're thrilled to announce that we have something special in store for you this Black Friday....

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Nov 23, 2023
Transfer large files with ease...

Hey ,How are things on your side?As a business person, im sure you have encountered the problem of having to send people large files that cannot be sent via email. Then you have to go through the complicated process of uploading files to your cloud s...

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Feb 20, 2023