Real Black Friday Deal where you truly benefit

Nov 24, 2023 3:01 pm

Hey ,

I don't believe that we do Black Friday correctly in Africa. It is so widely adopted yet most are providing 10% or 25% deals. I also don't think everyone should do a Black Friday promo. In fact, I am willing to say that most people shouldn't even bother unless they are truly going to bring a real deal to the table. 

This was my mission for my team. "Let's make this Black Friday truly memorable", I said. "Let's give people a deal that will really help them (while not bankrupting us)."

So we came up with Buy 1 Get 12 Months of Unlimited Website Hosting

Yes, that's right.

For the price of 1 month of website hosting, you can get 12 months of website hosting, a lifetime deal (10 years)...

This means that you will only be charged R580 per year for the next 10 years. 

The only way this doesn't bankrupt us is if this offer is limited to 50 customers, so get in before it closes.

With this offer, you’ll get:

  • Unlimited Websites
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Domains
  • Unlimited Emails
  • Unlimited MySQL Databases
  • Support
  • Access to free business development tools
  • SSL Certificate for enhanced security

Did I forget to mention the bonuses...?

We will be releasing business and marketing software that will help you grow your online presence to the value of R6000.00+

Need I say more? I look forward to seeing you inside. Just click here.

PS: If this isn't the lowest hosting offer you will see this Black Friday, please let me know.

Talk soon,

