Get 1 Year of Website Hosting (practically) for FREE

Nov 24, 2023 7:01 am

Hey ,

Good hosting is the foundation to getting ranked on Google, the success of your ads, the design and functionality of your website, not to mention the overall experience of your users. 

After working with so many brands, making sure we have the best hosting has been a must over the last 7 years which has afforded us the opportunity to open our hosting to you... 

Introducing our new Black Friday offer: Buy 1 Get 12

In other words, buy 1 month of our Unlimited Website Hosting package for R580 and qualify for 1 year of hosting for life.

As you know, hosting is something we have to do in order to get the most out of what we actually do, which is helping you grow through effective marketing.

Here is what is in the Unlimited Website Hosting package:

  • Unlimited Websites
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Domains
  • Unlimited Emails
  • Unlimited MySQL Databases
  • Support
  • Access to free business development tools

We will also be giving away some bonus marketing/business software tools valued at R6000+.

So, make sure to set up 2024 in the best way possible. Cut away unnecessary costs and use our hosting for a year. I promise you will be pleasantly surprised! 

Check out our Black Friday Deal here!


Marlon August
