So... I Created a New Video!

I made a new video about the urgency article from the previous newsletter. Some of the content here is the same, but the video adds visual elements that show the ideas perhaps better than an article can. And it gives opportunities for humor. :)The fe...

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May 23, 2023
The Surprising Power of Urgency (and how to create it)

What is the psychological difference between a successful and unsuccessful person? Urgency. To further define these two people, let's say the successful person reaches their goals while the unsuccessful person procrastinates and pushes their goals ba...

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May 09, 2023
This is a bit different. What do you think?

In lieu of writing an article this week, I made a video. I'd love to know what you think. Video is a lot of work, but really fun to make and bursting with creative opportunities.This video is made from the prior article I wrote about the power of cho...

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May 02, 2023
50 Days Without Drinking Alcohol (Life-Changing)

Statistically speaking, most of you drink alcohol. I did too, except for the last 50 days. And let me tell you, you might want to try it. I have no interest in convincing anyone to stop drinking. Alcohol is not a moral or religious issue for me, it's...

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Apr 18, 2023
Everything in Life Is Temporary, Except for One Thing

Hey there,I've missed you! I know, it's been *checks notes* FOUR months since my last email. There's no point in sugar coating anything. When my dad died, I lost my sense of purpose temporarily and stopped writing. I didn't know that would happen, an...

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Apr 11, 2023
3 Lessons My Father Taught Me

Well, this may be the last one of these I write. It made me cry.How strange that merely writing something can bring your mind back to a painful experience as if it happened yesterday. The power of writing is what keeps bringing me back, but it's a do...

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Dec 13, 2022
Update and Thoughts About My Future

You haven't heard from me in about 2 months, since my father died. I sent an email on Oct 17 letting everyone know that I would be taking a break.The first thing I'd like to say is that I'm shocked. I received hundreds of supportive responses from yo...

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Dec 08, 2022
You may have noticed the pause

I know you haven't heard from me in the last two weeks. My father died on Wednesday. I plan to resume this newsletter in November. Thanks for understanding. Cheers,Stephen GuisePS. If you're looking for something to read, see below for my books and o...

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Oct 17, 2022
The Surprising Key to Life Stability

Photo by Chevanon Photography on Pexels.comThe only thing we can be certain of is that life will bring us heaps of uncertainty. Life stability is not a matter of preventing uncertainty, but dealing with it appropriately and effectively.Don't Fight In...

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Sep 27, 2022