Happy Summer

Hello Everybody!It's officially summer! Which means it's my least favorite season! While I love having my whole family home (kids and husband), I am not one who likes the heat...at all.We recently adopted two adorable kittens. Say hello to Zero (oran...

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Jul 03, 2024
Happy Pubiversary!

Hello Everybody!I wanted to pop in super quick to say Happy Pubiversary to Own Me! It's officially 2 years old today and I'm still so very proud of this story! Have you read it yet? If not, what are you waiting for?This is what readers have said: Thi...

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May 25, 2024
Long lost hello!

Hello Everybody!It has been a long minute since you have heard from me! And I'm so sorry. Life has been chaotic and filled with personal issues, including my son breaking his collarbone! ACK!I'll make this short and sweet!First, Elijah is OFFICIALLY...

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May 18, 2024
I'm the worst!

Hello Everybody!I am so sorry you have not heard from me. I am THE WORST at remembering to do a newsletter! Please forgive me!I do have some fun things for you! First, Elijah is OFFICIALLY up for pre-order! Here's a teaser. To pre-order, just click t...

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Feb 22, 2024
Happy New Year!

Hello Everybody!First and foremost HAPPY NEW YEAR!I hope everybody's year is off to a great start! Mine...not so much. I brought a cold from the end of 2023 into the beginning of 2024 with me and I'm struggling to kick it! Hopefully soon because this...

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Jan 06, 2024