Happy Pubiversary!

May 25, 2024 6:41 pm


Hello Everybody!

I wanted to pop in super quick to say Happy Pubiversary to Own Me! It's officially 2 years old today and I'm still so very proud of this story!

Have you read it yet? If not, what are you waiting for?

This is what readers have said:

πŸ’š This book makes you feel like you’re the one it’s happening to instead of the person outside the pages reading about it.

πŸ’š One of the best books dealing with SH in a realistic and caring way.

πŸ’š Did I feel emotionally drained after reading this? Yeah, I did. Would I do it again? HECK YEAH!!!

πŸ’š I was nervous to read this as I struggle with the same issues as the FMC. With that said, this story is so beautifully tragic and portrays mental illness perfectly.

πŸ’š Someone out there really and truly understands this war I'm in, enough to craft a character so relatably. I felt like the battle with depression was written with such care, and from a place of such genuine understanding.

πŸ’š Wow. This story was beautifully honest. Usually, books with mental health struggles are about teens, but this one hit home being about grown adults dealing with everyday life.

πŸ’šThe story was beautiful, raw, and even harsh. It did not hold back a single truth about mental health issues and the fight we have every day.

πŸ’š Reads very intimately from both main characters, like a diary entry without the Dear Diary stuff.

πŸ’š Was a hard read for me, not because of the writing itself but because it was so accurate with every event.

To grab your copy, click the graphic!


If you love supporting authors, or even just a few, I am opening my street team for a limited time! You are NOT limited by follower count or anything else! I'm just looking for people who want to help promote my books and get them in more readers hands. While graphics and verbiage are provided for you, you are also welcome (and encouraged) to create your own content!

Click the link below to sign up! Be sure you also join the FB group which is where all the information is shared!


Keep any eye out in upcoming newsletters (that I promise to send) for a bonus scene! I'll give you a hint, it's from one of the Baker siblings!

Find my books here!

Hope you're all doing well!

Shayna Astor

Facebook Group


