Happy Summer

Jul 03, 2024 4:04 pm


Hello Everybody!

It's officially summer! Which means it's my least favorite season! While I love having my whole family home (kids and husband), I am not one who likes the heat...at all.

We recently adopted two adorable kittens. Say hello to Zero (orange) and Binx (black). We love them and they are so very sweet! Binx is a bit timid, while Zero is an absolute nut!


If you love supporting authors, or even just a few, I am opening my street team for a limited time! You are NOT limited by follower count or anything else! I'm just looking for people who want to help promote my books and get them in more readers hands. While graphics and verbiage are provided for you, you are also welcome (and encouraged) to create your own content!

Click the link below to sign up! Be sure you also join the FB group which is where all the information is shared!


Find my books here!

Hope you're all doing well!

Shayna Astor

Facebook Group


