Instagram LogoTime for a smoke break? It will only be a few minutes, right? How many minutes have you shaved off your life just this year? Think about it this way: because of smoking cigarettes, your family could one day get a call that they need to get to the hospital immediately if they want to speak to you one last time. But what if your family lives an hour away? If you’d smoked just six fewer cigarettes, they could have made it; twelve fewer and they could have spent an hour saying goodbye. But if you QUIT now, you can give your family the gift of years, not just hours, YEARS, of extra healthy life with them, time to see you kids graduate, your grandchildren born, your spouse and your friends grow old with you. The moment you decide that you have had your last cigarette is the moment you begin to extend your life. Twenty minutes after you have smoked your last cigarette your blood pressure and heart rate begin to return to normal. Within eight hours the carbon monoxide levels in your blood also return to normal. In two days your body begins the process of repairing nerve endings and your sense of taste and smell also begin to improve. In the first 12 weeks your breathing will improve and walking will become easier. In the first nine months your lungs will have regained the ability to clean themselves. This means a decrease in the frequency of lung infections. And then there are the truly life-changing benefits. After a year of being smoke-free, the risk of coronary disease becomes half that of a smoker. In the next five years your risk of stroke will become the same as someone who never smoked. You also will have cut the possibility of throat, mouth, and esophageal cancers in half. In the next decade your life expectancy will become that of someone who never smoked. Your body will also have the ability to replace precancerous cells with healthy ones. And in the next fifteen years the risk of heart disease will become the same as a person who never smoked cigarettes in the first place. The quality of your choices enables you to extend that precious time and, more importantly, to improve the quality of your life #stopsmoking
Instagram LogoIn today’s world, you’re consumed by technology, pressured by financial stress, meeting deadlines, and much more. It’s no wonder you feel more and more stressed and anxious each day. At the end of the day, all you want is to be happy, healthy, and safe, but just aren't sure how.  I get it. Here's what is happening.  Your conscious mind is comprised of all the thoughts and ideas you ‘hear’ in your head. This is your internal monologue. Your unconscious mind is filled with all the thoughts, ideas, and concepts you have about the world that are outside of your direct control. It is also where the tools and resources that you need to change live.  If you want to really change a behavior or belief you have probably discovered the difficulty in doing so. The challenge lies within getting a concept through the barrier of  your conscious mind. Have you ever tried to tell yourself something only to find it feels impossible to follow through with?  "I need to calm down." "I need to quit smoking." "I need to focus more." "I need to eat better." "I need to exercise. " "I need to ________." (You fill in the blank) The problem is that when you ‘tell yourself’ something, your conscious  mind tends to disregard it and not believe it. Likewise, when someone else tells us a fact, or offers unsolicited advice, we also tend to reject it. That's why I don't give advice to you, your conscious mind would just dismiss it anyway.  In contrast, what I do works by allowing the unconscious mind to work in the background to keep this conflict and rejection from happening.  I help your unconscious mind get to a place where you will finally discover how to talk to yourself in a new way so you can finally break bad habits, end toxic relationships, gain confidence, and so much more. Here is where most therapist would tell you about all of their credentials and the tools and techniques they use. The thing is you don't care, and that's good. Results are what you are interested in and that is all you need to care about. When you leave from our time together, whether it is over Zoom or in the office, you will notice a difference. You will begin to see things differently. See things