Instagram LogoLike my new haircut? I call it the Pattern Interruptor 😁 But seriously… Pattern interrupts are amazing things. You see, we as human beings are driven by unconscious patterns all the time in our lives. This rather scary, but can be a very insightful realization. Knowing this is what paved the way for the development of some incredibly useful techniques. Think abou something we have talked about before: have you ever caught yourself driving through town when all of a sudden you're in your driveway and have no idea where you just went through to get there? You got lost in your thoughts and let your unconscious mind take the driver's seat. This driving trance is one of the most typical forms of everyday hypnosis we all experience. Yiu unconsciously create patterns for everything, that's just the brain's way of saving energy. It won't let you go through the trouble of having to think about everything you do. Instead, through repetition, your mind makes these processes automatic. What is a Pattern Interrupt? A pattern interrupt, as the name suggests, is a technique we can use to break someone's pattern, interrupting the program they were running before; and if that said program was a totally dysfunctional one that only caused problems in that person's life, a pattern interrupt can be all they need to flip the script. Interrupting someone's pattern is sometimes at the epicenter of a therapeutic intervention. Just like getting a different haircut. It breaks down those old familiar patterns and allows for new things and positive changes to happen. Are you ready to break free from those destructive, negative, and sometimes harmful patterns you have been running? Let's talk.
Instagram LogoHypnosis is an effective tool for pain relief. The reason is simple. It changes your awareness and teaches you how to overcome the pain by increasing the level of comfort you feel. Understand, a hypnosis session is not a substitute for medical intervention. Pain is a resource of the body that should be listened to, as it can alert us to medical needs that require attention. But for those already under the care of a physician or those enduring chronic pain, learning the skills of hypnosis is an excellent way to see pain from a new perspective. By using hypnosis, you can remove the hurt from the pain and create an awareness that can help you to become more mindful of life outside of pain. It’s safe, natural, and effective. A published article in the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis states: The case examples demonstrate how the focused suggestion with somatic anchoring technique is used with both acute and chronic pain conditions when the use of long-term medication has been relatively ineffective. Donatone, B. (2013). Focused Suggestion With Somatic Anchoring Technique: Rapid Self-Hypnosis for Pain Management. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 55(4), 325-342. doi:10.1080/00029157.2012.688896 • • • • #clinicalhypnotherapy #hypnotherapy #changework #selfhypnosis #mindbodycoach #goinside #stressreduction #innerpeace #heal #innerwork #meditation #mindfulmoment #meditate #mindfulnessmeditation #mindful #mindfulnesstraining #nlpcoach #efttapping #mindfulnesscoach #onlinetherapy #nlpcoaching #lifecoach #mindcoach #mindset #positivity #lifechanging
Instagram LogoA year ago I was sitting in this chair (it's no amazing Hypnochair though 😁) at my eye dr.'s office yesterday while waiting for my eyes to dilate and have my pressure checked from an injury that happened 20 years ago resulting in glaucoma in my left eye. While sitting there waiting... I got to thinking... When my clients come in and tell me all the things they have tried to get rid of stress, lose weight, stop smoking, etc., but haven't found anything that is working for them. They haven't found success and they just can't see why it isn't working... I take some time to explain to them why they should quit trying. The word try implies failure. I help them see they have been looking at it erroneously. I help them see things from a new perspective. I have tools similar to these here that my eye dr. uses to help keep my vision clear and my world in focus. If feel like you've tried everything to no avail, that's where I can help. Many of my clients find they are seeing things more clearly, with better focus, and a stronger vision even after their free consultation. There's really nothing to lose and so much to gain. • • • • • #clinicalhypnotherapy #hypnotherapy #changework #selfhypnosis #mindbodycoach #goinside #stressreduction #innerpeace #heal #innerwork #meditation #mindfulmoment #meditate #mindfulnessmeditation #mindful #mindfulnesstraining #nlpcoach #efttapping #mindfulnesscoach #onlinetherapy #nlpcoaching #lifecoach #mindcoach #mindset #positivity #lifechanging