Cortisol… the what’s, whys and how’s! 🤓

May 06, 2024 3:54 pm

Afternoon lovely

I hope you’ve had a wonderful bank holiday ☀️

I’ve pottered in the garden, repotted an acer tree, some mint, chives and pulsatilla 🥰 added to my peppermint, rosemary, sage, basil and lavenders.

Although I’m but very ‘green fingered’, I do try to have plants that I love and can care for… as for the rest of the garden, well it’s pretty much a jungle and it really helps to have a gardener who can!

It has been really relaxing for me, as for once I have taken time out to enjoy life… namely dog walking and sitting in the garden

listening to the birds. There is a resident blackbird family, some little tweeters and pigeons in the tree out front. Although they’re not allowed in the garden when Raven is patrolling 🐶 She lets them know!

Anyway, I’m writing you because I’ve written a blog about cortisol, as I know it to be something that affects us so much and sometimes unnecessarily so.

So have a little read about what it is, how it affects you and what you can do about it 💖

Read the Blog here

Love + wellness

Tracy x
