Can presence affect your business?Life in the 24/7 ‘rushaholic’ existence can become a little overwhelming. You get caught up racing from deadline to deadline and living for the next dopamine hit. This is the fast track to burnout and a slippery slop...

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Aug 29, 2024
The Seven Pillars of Wellness to Prevent Burnout

In today's fast-paced world, driven and successful solopreneurs often find themselves on the brink of burnout. Well, this is the experience of both my clients and myself, because life can be difficult at times. Balancing the demands of work with your...

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Jul 08, 2024
Is stress is burning you out?

As a woman in business, it is highly likely that you experience a number of challenges that can mean your mood swings from the Queen of Calm, to The Empress of Overwhelm in an instant. Yes the ebbs and flow of business are normal, in fact I do not kn...

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Jun 28, 2024
Does It Scare You?

Hey there beautifulHow is your week going?I had a conversation yesterday with my mum, and it got me thinking more about why so many people never make a change.Have you ever thought about why you do, or don't, change something, that perhaps you feel d...

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Jun 28, 2024
Once Upon a time...

Once upon a time society adopted an attitude of a work harder to achieve success. Focus is on ‘crushing’ your goals and ‘smashing’ targets.Show up 24/7, or you don’t want it enough. What this meant in reality was forgoing my personal life, skipping m...

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Jun 18, 2024
Cortisol and You

What is cortisol? Cortisol is a hormone released by the adrenal glands in response to a stressor. There are many types of stressor from the both the internal and external environment, and they cause the body to respond by releasing stress hormones su...

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May 06, 2024
Testing and Your Health & Wellness

Testing, tracking and monitoring have come to the forefront of health and wellness over the past few years and are now more accessible than ever.I believe that they have their place and are ideal for a tangible result and using as benchmarks to deter...

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Nov 22, 2023