Evening all... want some extra breathing space?

Aug 11, 2023 8:25 pm

Evening beautiful

In England the sun has finally decided to put in an appearance "Oh hello summer", for those of you that are on vacation or reading from a different location I hope you've been enjoying summer.

I know it's a Friday evening in August and I am working a little... but then it is not really work when you love what you do.

I have just had a thought occur to me, that whilst I am busy creating and planning and right now writing a beautiful 4 elements meditation for my new class, I haven't really told anyone about it, other than if I've had a conversation in person. But isn't a good old British chinwag just the best over a cuppa.

Anyhoo... I have been running a class for the last month or so in beautiful Burbage, surrounded by crystals and trinkets in my friend Sarah's shop. In fact it's been my first class since 2020 for a myriad of reasons. I am absolutely adore meditation, but as you know I'm a non-conformist and a but of a rule breaker so I don't abide by the rules so much, but what works and what feels good. It feels so good to be back sharing this.

I also have a new class starting in September in the lovely village of Attleborough at a new clinic The House of Healing that has literally just opened its doors this past week.

There will also be a class starting in Rugby at Serendipity Wellness® HQ very soon... we are just undergoing some renovations to upgrade your experience.

But, there's more...

For my lovely London crew... I have access to a beautiful brand new clinic in Marylebone that has just moved from Harley Street, and you know I do love Marylebone. So I am able to offer 121 therapy annnnndddd new 121 or small group (like 2 or 3) meditation and breathwork sessions that can be totally bespoke- which I am totally thrilled about. The lady that owns the clinic is a total free spirit and it has a lovely energy about the place. So let me know if you are interested in this and let's make it happen... and don't forget I am available for home visits too.


So, this is what is going on with Serendipity Wellness®.

If you are keen for more info on wellness why not check out my new Medium Stories channel or the Youtube channel along with updates on FB

The Wellness Alchemy® stuff is still happening, but life has been crazy busy (in a good way), because you know I am an advocate for Slow Living.

More changes to come too... so watch this space.

Anyway enjoy the rest of your evening, and if you catch this on Saturday morning- have a great day!

Love + wellness

Tracy x
