
Apr 02, 2024 3:09 pm

Hello Beautiful

Happy Tuesday 🥰

I’m Currently cooking dinner with the other half of ‘Team Richardson’ my husband whilst I accompany him on a work trip down near the South Downs… it’s gorgeous around here and yes I have been to the beach today!!

I wanted to let you know about something that I’m doing at the end of this month (my birthday month- more to follow).

I am talking at an event all about Slowing Down and a little of my story as to how I got into the slow lane of life 😜

It is an event titled PechaKucha

It’s Japanese and is a special story telling format.

I don’t really talk much about what I’m doing when it comes to things like this, perhaps it’s the fear of being sh*t. But, I’m doing it anyway… as part of my 44th cycle round the sun.

It would be fab to see a few familiar faces for my few minutes of fame, so I’ll add the link here if you fancy tagging along for a little soirée.

Tickets Here!


Love + wellness

Tracy x
