Happy Easter… have you had your vitamins?

Mar 31, 2024 2:07 pm

Hello and Happy Easter

Whether you partake in Easter traditions or not, I wish you a wonder Sunday.

Let's talk about multivitamins. 

They suck. Period.

I was asked by a potential client about what vitamins she should take to boost her immune system.

Now, bear in mind I don’t take a blanket approach to recommending things, because after all we are all different. I explained to her why I couldn’t just say ‘take a multi-vit’, and that the best way was to individualise any type of therapy.

The response I received ‘This is a bit of overkill’.

Well ok, I take this on board.

Perhaps not everyone wants to aim for optimal or work with their own bodies and is happy to take a supplement that they’ve seen portrayed as the new panacea on TikTok. But this doesn’t sit right with me.

In fact, I have yet to see a store-bought multivitamin that…

❌Has natural, absorbable forms of minerals/vitamins

❌Has high enough concentration to have any effect on the body.

I see so many practitioners and internet gurus haphazardly recommending multivitamins for people.

Not only does this waste their clients' money but they could actually be stunting their healing 😳

Minerals and vitamins are complex. In fact, every mineral has an effect on every mineral- like a cascade.

For example...

Calcium and magnesium are synergistic; meaning they help the other be absorbed. 

BUT - when they get too far out of balance they start to antagonize each other; meaning that they push the other out of the body.

Another example is Calcium and Potassium; they are antagonists.

So when it comes to minerals and vitamins, everyone's a little bit different.

You give someone too much calcium? You make them magnesium deficient and potassium deficient.

You give someone too much vitamin D (and how many people are chugging high doses of Vitamin D daily) and you can make them calcium toxic, potassium deficient and magnesium deficient.

It's a balancing act when it comes to minerals. And the body loves balance.

That's the main reason why it's important to run a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis test and see where your client is at - and recommend minerals/vitamins accordingly.

It’s amazing how many people are wasting their money on multivitamins that are literally doing nothing for their body. If your body doesn’t require it, it tries to get rid of it.

It’s much more effective to test so you can learn about your clients’ unique imbalances and then support them with nutrition and supplement that is actually going to do the job for them.

But let’s face it… there are bigger ways to influence your wellness, such as:

  • Eating nutritious food
  • Drinking quality water
  • Ensuring you move daily
  • Getting outside into nature, and 
  • Minimising your blue light at night exposure.

If your a geek like me, here’s a little about how vitamin pills are made: 

Read More Here!

Need more assistance- I am more than happy to help.

Drop me a message and let’s talk.

Love + wellness

Tracy x
