😜 Off to an exciting start…

Apr 29, 2024 3:11 pm

Hello lovely

How on earth are you doing?

Me, I am definitely back to my old self after a couple of years of ‘recovery’, but life is full of those highs and lows, right?!

Theres a few things I’d like to mention to you, that may be of interest…

First up, my talk on Friday evening at PechaKucha was just fabulous. 2019 was the last time I spoke to an audience, and I am so grateful that people came and listened and they paid!!

(As I said to my husband ‘I had people pay just to listen to me, he gets it for free everyday!’ He wasn’t amused 😂)


Then I have Facebook offering me the subscriber option, so for just .99p a month you can now gain access to mini and micro slices of calm and also ‘TACO Tuesdays’.

You can subscribe here or check out the deets on my FB profile.

Click Here!

Annndd… if you are looking for a better way of supporting yourself I have a Radiant Wellness event coming up for you 🥰

But I’ll send more details of that soon.

If you are interested in hearing about ‘What happens when your superpowers take a sabbatical’ then I am speaking at the Woman Who Awards on 10th May at the gorgeous Coombe Abbey Hotel… so it would be lovely to have a few friendly faces in the audience.

That’s all for now… but do let me know how you are getting on.

Love + wellness

Tracy x
