It's Finally Here: Welcome to the Radiant Health Retreat! 🌟

Sep 12, 2024 10:10 am

Dear ,

The day we've been eagerly anticipating has arrived—the Radiant Health Retreat begins in just 3 days! As the sun rises on this momentous day, I am filled with excitement and gratitude for all that lies ahead.

A Warm Welcome:

From the depths of my heart, I want to extend a warm welcome to you as you embark on this transformative experience with us. Whether you're joining us for relaxation, rejuvenation, or personal growth, know that you are exactly where you need to be, surrounded by a community of support and encouragement.

Embrace the Experience:

As you step into the retreat space, I encourage you to open your heart and mind to the possibilities that await you. Embrace each moment with curiosity and intention, allowing yourself to fully immerse in the workshops, activities, and connections that will enrich your journey.

Community Connection:

One of the most beautiful aspects of our retreat is the sense of community and connection that we foster. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to share this experience with you and to witness the bonds of friendship and support that will undoubtedly form over the coming days.

Gratitude and Excitement:

Before we officially kick off the retreat, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for choosing to be a part of this journey. Your presence brings light and energy to our community, and I am honored to stand beside you as we embark on this path together.

What to expect

  • Arrive and TACO 9-9.30am

You will be met with Watermelon wedges and tea/ coffee upon arrival.

TACO is an acronym for time and connection opportunities, because I believe life is filled with space and opportunities, so I wanted to create intentional moments for you to relax, renew and engage in meaningful connections.

  • Meditation

We will start with a meditation to set the tone for the day.

But, don’t worry, with my meditations there are no rules, so you won’t be sat in lotus position (unless you want to).

  • Somalates®

We’ll then move onto some Somalates, which is my own blend of somatic techniques, Pilates and mindfulness. It is designed to help youo reconnect and bring calm to the inner person, so that you can take that into the outer world and to perform with clarity and confidence.

  • Nourishing nibbles

We’ll stop for mid morning nibbles with hibiscus tea and superfood flapjacks.

  • Slowing Down

We’ll then discuss slowing down and why this is so important to health and the impact upon life and business.

  • Wellness Alchemy®

This is my unique process that I use with clients to help them move forward with their health and wellness. It may involve restoration, recovery and/or rejuvenation. We will go through the first few stages to help support you rediscovering your radiant health and wellness. 

  • Closing at 1pm

Get ready to dive into a morning of self-discovery, growth, and connection. The Radiant Health Retreat awaits, and I can't wait to share this incredible experience with you!

With joy and anticipation,

Love + wellness

Tracy Richardson MSc.

Founder, Serendipity Wellness
