All Change

Mar 15, 2023 4:18 pm

Hello gorgeous soul

I trust that 2023 has been treating you well so far!

You are receiving this email as you were previously subscribed to the Hybrid Therapy mailing list.

I promise not to bombard you with emails- but love it if you would like me to stay in contact with you as the previous email is no longer active- this is the new email address.

As I mentioned things are hanging and Hybrid Therapy is no more- I have rebranded to Serendipity Wellness®... same therapy but with lots more too.

I hope you will join me over in the new mailing list:

Due to GDPR rules in the UK, it involves you adding your details to the new mailing list and then confirming. 

I am now fully Serendipity Wellness® as I believe that this is better aligned with the way forward- because ‘Wellness makes you a Well-being’.

I will still be offering fabulous 121 therapy- so nothing has really changed here- although I am now offering angelic reiki within your sessions 

There is also the HTMA- hair tissue mineral analysis continuing and a new service- Silent Counselling®- to remove the stagnant energy without the need to talk about things.

So I hope you will join me over in the new mailing list:

The phone number is still 07759734787 and the new website is:

So please sign up to continue to hear from me:

Love + wellness

Tracy x
