21 Days of Wellness ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Jan 02, 2024 8:28 am

Morning beaut

Have a little read and see if you can answer some questions 💕

✨It’s the second day of 2024… how is it going for you?

✨What choices are you making that are positives for you?

✨What does wellness mean to you?

Wellness is the choices and actions you take regularly that form your lifestyle habits, behaviours, and subsequently your health outcomes. This is the how you determine well- being. 

We are each responsible for ourselves and our own wellness. No one else can make the choices you make. 

And EVERYTHING is a choice. 

So how do you choose to be well? 

💡 You decide to do something, to take action, which influences change. Honestly there’s no need to complicate it, it really is that simple. 

If you’re happy where you are with your wellness, then don’t change anything. If it’s not broke- no need to ‘fix’ it. Keep on doing what you’re doing!

If not, then change is the only option, you need to take action. 

For instance;

🌟 How would you feel if you woke up feeling energised and ready for the day, instead of feeling like you’d climbed a mountain in your sleep?

🌟 How would you feel if you your daily activities felt a little easier and you felt a little less tired and wired?

You can make all the excuses under the sun, make a list of pros and cons, think of reasons it won’t work, place obstacles in your own path and give up before you start. Sure, of course you can.

But the underlying factor is, you decide. 


Always choose YOU- you are worth it!

Sometimes circumstances aren’t maybe as favourable as they may be, but there’s a great quote;

🥰 “Start where you are, use what you have”.

You have to start somewhere- or you’ll not move from where you are now. You decide.

Making the decision that you want to change is different than knowing you need to change.

Wanting something places an emotional attachment onto the factor- if you also know the reason why you want it, then this increases your focus and impetus to achieve. 

Simply knowing you need to change is not enough- it’s something that sits there in the back if your mind, and gets covered over by other thoughts. 

💡 So know your WHY!

Once you have your why, honestly the whole thing gets a little easier, because once the initial motivation wanes, you still have your why- or your purpose for change.

Wellness is about you. It is about nourishing your mind, your body and your soul. 

❌ Don’t over complicate it.

❌ Don’t sell yourself short.

❌ Don’t stop before you begin.

BEING WELL is essential to thriving and not simply surviving. It’s not about getting preachy and morally superior- it’s about doing your life on your terms- making your choices, in the knowledge that each choice affects the outcome.

It’s all about your needs relative to your current situation- It's never one size fits all. 

So whatever you decide. CHOOSE YOU. 


If you are not sure where to start, but interested in making steps towards improving your wellness, are invested in learning how best to support yourself and looking to be in a better place than you are at present then we would be a great team! Because after all its a team effort.

👉🏻 If it sounds like working with me is right for you, we start 11th January (because that’s the point most people are struggling with their resolutions).

You start where you're at, and I help you for 21 days.

More Info Here!

Love + Wellness

Tracy x
