Does it scare you?

Jun 27, 2024 12:14 pm

Hey there beautiful

How is your week going?

I had a conversation yesterday with my mum, and it got me thinking more about why so many people never make a change.

Have you ever thought about why you do, or don't, change something, that perhaps you feel deep down inside you probably should?

Change… do you find it scary or exciting?

It’s weird how you become so used to what is familiar and comfy that when something changes it can literally change everything.

But what if nothing has actually changed, except your perception?

This is the power of the mind.

How many times have you sat at home, by yourself, in your living room, and had a thought about something that has withered caused you to act upon it or do nothing?

You’ve not physically moved, you’re still sat in your favourite chair.

But that thought has come with an emotion that is so strong it has caused you to respond.

This is how simple, or complicated, change can be.

Your brain is actually determining your results in life, before you’ve even attempted the thing.

Your thoughts actually change electrical activity in your brain, creating physical connections that triggers the release of neurotransmitters (chemical messengers)- Like dopamine, serotonin and endorphins, or cortisol and adrenaline.

All this in response to a thought that can literally change how you feel!

This then affects the choices you make.

If you have loads of cortisol and adrenaline, this stress response can cause you to become anxious and uneasy. Which if you were in a threatening situation would mean you could get out of there or try to deal with it- but remember this is just a thought.

When you are in this negative emotional state, your rationalising and reasoning goes out the window- you can’t make decisions and can become overwhelmed.

Your brain is trying to keep you safe, but it’s actually using your past as a frame of reference. Because that’s what it has to work with.

Sometimes this can keep you stuck, like a GPS that keeps rerouting you- it doesn’t want to take the road unknown.

So if you can change that thought, could you change your response?


However these thoughts are often rooted in your subconscious/ unconscious that forms out beliefs and view of things.

This often how away back to your first seven years on the planet.

But changing these negative and unconscious thoughts into something that you actually want to experience is where the magic happens.

When I realised this, everything changed… and this was back in 2008!

It’s the reason I met my husband, got 2 more degrees and will look for the opportunity over the obstacle.

Yes, I’m human and sometimes slip back into that negative bias, but having tools to move me back on track is a bonus.

Because, results come from perceptions, choices and actions.

Want to make a choice to put you first today?

Join me on the Rediscover Your Radiant Health Retreat and let’s put your best self on show 💖

Love + wellness

Tracy x

P.S. Here is the LINK for you to join us, and the bonus is the early bird is on NOW!
