What if you get stuck?

Jun 04, 2024 4:42 pm

Evening beauts

I know I have spoken about the nervous system many times, as it’s the main system I deal with as a therapist.

If the nervous system sense danger, the body doesn’t function so well.

If it feels safe, everything flows.


Did you know that sometimes you can get stuck in the on position?

Did you know that sometimes you can get stuck in a freeze state?

Did you know that sometimes this freeze state becomes so ‘normal’ that you function, but not as you should?

The last ones a bit more tricky, it’s know as ‘functional freeze’.

Now it doesn’t mean that you can’t build your 6/7/8 figure business, but it will affect your mental, physical and emotional health and wellness.

Your nervous system controls what happens within the body and is the link between all aspects of the mind-body-emotion system.

If you have been living with chronic levels of stress or have trauma stored within, then your nervous system can become stuck in a functional freeze state.

The sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of your peripheral nervous system become imbalanced and it is harder for your body to regulate itself between arousal and relaxation, and return to its rest and digest state.

Your response to stress then causes the parasympathetic branch to become over active, causing a freeze state- similar to an animal in nature that will ‘play dead’ when in a really stressful situation.

But a functional freeze state means that you are able to function in your daily life, though you kind of ‘crash’ into a numb, exhausted and disassociated state.

So how would you know if you were experiencing a functional freeze?

Here are some of the signs:

* Constant overwhelm

* Socially withdrawn 

* Regularly cancelling plans

* Tummy issues

* Feeling emotionally numb

* Not answering the phone or returning texts

* Feeling physically stuck

* Spacing out and brain fog

* Slumped posture

* Sense of time lost

* Senses altered- heightened or lessened

* Being on autopilot.

You can help yourself move out of a functional freeze state with Somalates.

Movements that help to bring a sense of calm to your body, so that it can move into a calm and functional state. It helps regulate your physiological response to stress and helps bring harmony back to your body-mind matrix and balance to the nervous system.

And the best part- it won’t take you an hour, it can be done in as little as 10 minutes.

Where can you experience this for yourself?

At the Rediscover Your Radiant Health Retreat! 

Obvs I’ll be revealing more… but it this resonates with you, then maybe you need it in your life 💖

5 days left in the presale 

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