Breathwork, Mindfulness & Meditation

Oct 31, 2023 9:04 pm

Hello lovely meditators

I hope you are well.

The reason I am emailing you is that I have messed up.

I have got my dates muddled and over-committed/ double booked myself... So here is the plan going forwards...

The classes will start again Wednesday 9th November and run every fortnight- you can check availability on the booking site:

You don't have to book online, though as spaces are limited I will need to know in advance. Plus if you have any herbal tea requests let me know.

If you would like to bring along a notebook and pen, you can take some time to journal about your experience to help you on your self healing journey.

As we move into the colder and darker months it will also be beneficial to wear layers/ warmer clothing/ bring a blanket so you can fully relax.

I am so sorry for any inconvenience this has caused, but I really hope to see you again soon.

Love + wellness

Tracy x
