It made me cry 😭

Aug 28, 2024 10:06 am

Hi ,

Last week, a message dropped into my LinkedIn DMs. It was a video.

Initial thoughts 👀 👀 👀 

Honestly this whole voice messaging thing is new to me, so a video got my head spinning.

I have to admit I assumed it was just another sales pitch.

It was something else and the something else was lovely.

The gist of it was that my presence in their social feed and emails had helped them improve has health and wellness over the past 3 months.

I'm not ashamed to admit I she’s a happy tear and I've re-watched it about 10 times.

Hearing it out loud just got me 💖

You never *really* know when your daily showing up, your nudging, your messaging will impact someone positively.

Sometimes when you question if you are doing things right, things like this remind you of your reason to keep going, even when, it can feel like no one is listening.

If you'd like some other business owners on the same mission, some real, actionable tips, exercises and advice for improving your health and wellness to positively impact your business, the rediscover your radiant health retreat is MADE for you.

Join us here it’s going to be lovely.

Love + wellness

