Does a morning routine make a difference?

May 10, 2023 6:32 pm

Hello lovely

I've written a new BLOG about The Morning Routines of Successful People

I’m sure you’ve read somewhere that all successful people are up at 3am meditating, drinking green juice, working out and have completed 4 hours of work before most of you have even brushed your teeth.

Well, I’m calling BS.

Knowing what I know about circadian biology and biorhythms of the body, this is one of the quickest ways to a dysregulated body and a whole host of consequences, otherwise known as symptoms, like fatigue, unexplained pain and poor sleep to name a few.

You name it, I’ve likely tried it, in the name of wellness and optimising it… so not only do I walk the walk, I also research like crazy to for out the pros and cons from a therapist's perspective.

Want to read a little more?

Check out the BLOG on my website:

I also wanted to share something that I'm really proud of, a chapter contribution to this Book, all about slowing down, pressing pause and why it's a necessity and not a luxury!


You can order your own copy here

As always I trust you are doing well, and remember to reach out if you need my help.

Love + wellness

Tracy x
