Loving the slow life 🥰

May 05, 2024 5:30 am


If it’s one thing I have come to realise over the past few years, it is that slowing down is key to as beautiful life 💖

I know you may love that hustle life and skipping from deadline to deadline, but it is not serving you.

Hear me out.

I am coming from a place of lives experience and also education and research (not googling actual reading journals and experimenting).

If you want to build a great life, slow down. 

This likely goes against EVERYTHING you have been ‘advised’ you SHOULD be doing.

And you know, I WAS a fully subscribed member of the 5AM Club (sometimes even the 4AM Club).

Because if I wanted to achieve I had to ‘make time’.

What a load of BS.

This is NOT the ideal way forwards for a female founder to build their ideal life. 

It’s old skool thinking and doesn’t account for your natural ebbs and flows.

Anyone can caffeinate and push on towards achieving their next goal. 

But it's not a sustainable strategy. 

It’s all down to energy and alignment… because this creates flow 😜

Long-term energy requires feeling the subtle difference between energy created from anxiety and energy created from inspiration.

It’s a HUGE difference.

And you know, there’s no awards given for:

✨ Being most perfect

✨ Saying YES to everything 

✨ Sleeping ‘when you’re dead’

✨ Going it alone

✨ Never taking a break

✨ Meeting other people’s expectations

So SLOW DOWN beaut 💕

If you are not sure where to start with this, don’t think it’ll work for you or think I’m talking BS, then honestly I get it.

That was me, before I did it!

I’m speaking at the Woman Who Awards next Friday if you’d like to come along.

Alternatively reply here and I’ll get you on my VIP list to be the first to hear about how you can slow down with me in September 💖

Love + wellness

Tracy x

P.S. If you’d like three BIG hints for what to do then check out my latest Blog

Read the BLOG Here!
