Do you really want it? 🤔

Sep 02, 2024 7:37 am

Good morning ,

Here’s a question for you…

What if wellness was the journey and not the destination? 🤔

The dictionary definition is ‘the active pursuit of health’.

Which means that you are aiming for, doing it and on that pathway.

Often you’re looking for that magic pill that will solve all your ills. 

It doesn’t exist.

Because to get what you want, you have to really want it.

Which means being persistent.

It means doing what you need to do.

Sound familiar?

It feels like a lot. Especially in the beginning.

You have to start somewhere, so why not now?

You’re not going to get instant feedback and results. 

But I am here to encourage you and guide you through this stage, so that you reach that point of results.

You shouldn’t start, until you REALLY want to do it.

When you are determined and inspired you are waaaayyyyyy more likely to stick with it.

It’s that ‘stickability’ or persistency (because I hate the word consistency) that creates WINS.

The catalyst for wanting to improve your wellness is usually when you’ve been unable to do something that you want to do because of ill health.

This reignites your spark and that drive to do it becomes stronger.

If a health and wellness reset is up there on your list of priorities this Autumn, The 7 Week Reset is going to help you restart your wellness and help you feel good.

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve already tried a gazillion things and you want to make your wellness journey more effective and efficient, or whether you’re just getting started and want to know the tips and methods I use to incorporate micro wins into my day (that have astronomically improved my own and my clients health and wellness).

Join us here

Love + wellness


