Hard Truth

Apr 11, 2023 7:12 pm

Hi Tracy,

Here's an important truth to recognise, and one that no one warned me about…

If you’ve spent your life as a “go go go” type, burning the candle at both ends, never slowing down, always putting others before yourself, then once you head on into your 40’s and beyond you may get a bit of a shock as your body starts to rebel. 

It’s not really your body entering a rebellious phase, its the culmination of neglecting yourself and not paying attention to our needs for too long.

You may find yourself experiencing things like: headaches, low libido, weight gain, hair loss, rage, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, fatigue, and more… or worse.

The ONLY way to combat these symptoms is to start putting yourself first. To start dedicating some well-deserved time for yourself and your health and peace of mind - once and for all. 

How are you going to be there for everyone else if you can’t be there for yourself?

How are you going to show up if you’re suffering with fatigue, or can’t get off the couch due to aches and pains?

“Busy” is not a badge of honour. 

Taking care of yourself however, is something to be proud of. And what a wonderful example to set for your peers, family and children, too.

Feeling unsure about how to put yourself first? 

Unsure what the first step is in looking after you, after you've been looking after everyone else for so long? 

That's what I am are here for.

Here is how I can help you…

Firstly a low cost option is to take things into yur own hands and read the Little Book of Wellness- an A-Z guide, and take small actions from the tips in here.

Secondly, you can work with me 121- just respond to this email and I will be in touch.

Thirdly, the Happy Hormones Tribe is launching on 2nd May for 8 weeks, and it is NOT going to be held on Facebook! It is on a private app that you have your own log in for!

You can click HERE to find out what is involved and to apply. It’s via application, as I need to make sure it is right for you.

Love + Wellness

Tracy x
